Friday, December 3, 2010

Giles will be missed!!!

I never thought after everything Angel has done, I couldn't hate him until now... Killing Giles was a step too far... Angel should of lost for letting Twilight take over him... Hopefully Spike and Buffy get together after this... Angel should not have a chance at redemption for this... Out of all the ways he chooses to kill Giles, he kills him just like his past love Jenny Calender... The snapping of the neck... He was Buffy's father basically... Angel killed Buffy's last parent figure she had... He was right that she would hesitate but I think she might go for him now... I hope she does because he deserves to be dusted by the one he has hurt the most... His own past lover should find a way to kill him because a hell dimension won't cut it this time...Rupert Giles was such an amazing character and I understand that this needed to happen... It still shouldn't of happen... Damn Angel or should I say Twilight... For he is no longer Angel to me, he's a monster... No he's a demon and will always be a ruthless demon... Rest in piece Giles... You deserve and be with Jenny... Your girl grew up and will continue to make you proud... We love you Giles!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

College Life!!!

Well I have officially been in college for a month now... I love it and my classes are decent... I really love my Writing 95 class... An amazing teacher who explains it very well... I'm actually finally understanding math for the first time in my life... Also very good teacher... The weather is turning cold and rainy though... I miss the bright and sunny days... Halloween is on sunday and no plans so far...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

RORY GILMORE personality twin!!!

My sister always says I'm like Rory Gilmore and I always wondered why... Well I decided to watch Gilmore Girls one day and got into the show... I saw what my sister saw... Rory is an independent chick, strange bond with her mom, coffee addict, junk food junkie, bookworm, smart, mother's genes of not gaining weight, good natured but yet has a temper, references movies, loves movies, writer, and a strained relationship with her father... I may not go to a top school like Harvard or Yale but my future is at University of Oregon.... I was part of the newspaper at my High School... I graduated as the Sport's Editor and I might not of got any achievements for my academics I always was great in English... I volunteered in the Library and love reading... Coffee is a must with me... I hate healthy foods like fruits or vegetables but I have to eat one a day... I love junk food and don't gain a pound... I have a wonderful bond with my mother and I love that I can talk to her about anything... My dream is to be a writer even though Rory's dream was to be a journalist... I love being a journalist but I want to write a book about something I want to write about... I love watching movies and like the gilmores say, "Every movie is mockable..." I really don't like talking about my father at all but I'm okay with arrangement... Out of all the boyfriends Rory had I loved her being with Jess and Logan... Also I'm a huge Luke fan!!! LORELAI "RORY" LEIGH GILMORE is my personality twin and I love that!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1 1/2 Weeks Left!!!

That's right my first day of school is in one and a half weeks... I'm excited and can't wait to start... I got this cute messenger bag that can be turned into a backpack... It's brown with a peace sign on it and my sis calls me a flower child... I got all my books for me classes already...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So I finally registered for college this year... I'm pretty nervous and yet excited at the same time... I took a year of school and can't wait to start again... It's going to be weird since I'll no absolutely nobody at my school but that's the fun... I like challenges and I'm ready for new friends... A new chapter in my life begins... Can't wait for my orientation so I can register for my classes...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Almost A Year!!!

It's almost a year since I've moved from Cali... It's weird but yet ok...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Moving in with boyfirend or girlfriend wrong before marriage???

This is a very controversial topic to this day... Honestly it's 2010 not the 1800's where you have to court a girl then get married to leave with each other... When dating someone of the opposite sex or same sex for some how often do you see the other in their home life... For the person you could be dating acts different while out or those few nights you stay at their place... The best way to get to know someone is to move in with each other before marriage... That way you could learn the faults and flaws and people newsflash everyone isn't perfect... Like here's an example a neat freak and a slob are dating(no offense) and they get married before living together... How long is it going to take the neat freak going to take it??? I'm not saying it won't work but it would be nice to see what your getting yourself into before you get married... Also just because young people aren't living together, don't assume they haven't done it... Bloody hell!!! Most people lose their virginity's in high school or college... Then there is the religion and beliefs... Honestly someone like myself who isn't reliogious to me it's not a big deal... Parents think hard about when you were young seriously... You should support you kids and talk to them... Talk to them about safe sex but that does get tiring after learning about it since elementary school... Also talk about finances and don't be sarcastic and rude.... Be kind and loving and honestly even if you say no will they truely listen to you... I mean come on it's their choice and they are adults... All I can say is support your kids and this religious beliefs keep to yourself... Get with the times!!!


What defines a family??? Let's see what the dictionary definition is of Family... Family is any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins.... So where does love come into this equation??? I mean do you do you have to love your family???? Especially when your family can be arrogant, judgemental, and religious.... Well not my entire family but at least one side is... They can be so hurtful and mean that makes you question the meaning of family... Also it ruins the pretty picture that your family isn't perfect and your fucked up like others... I'm confused because I'm my Father's only child and my Mother's second child... Am I half an only child??? Doesn't matter anyway my father doesn't care anyways.... I know for one thing that some of my family don't even know me and I bloody related to them.... What does that say about them??? Where in this equation does love come in??? I mean why can't family be happy with your choices and support you because they love you??? No instead they have to control you and if you want their love you have to listen... Bloody wankers, sod off it's out life!!! I'm sure you made mistakes in your past and learned from them... Doesn't mean we can't make our own and newsflash once the teen hits eighteen legally you have no say in what they do... All you can do is support their choices... Stop treating us like a damn baby because honestly that will only bloody push us away... No wonder people say, "Friends are Family we choose" it makes more sense then our own bloody families...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rare Blushing!!!

Listening to "Good Night Sweet Girl" by Ghost of the Robot very good song... Ghost of the Robot's lead singer is none other than the amazing James Marsters... This song is amazing but what is even more amazing is his voice... I love James Marsters for his acting especially playing as Spike... I first heard his singing talents in "Once More With Feeling" the Buffy musical episode... Well back to the blushing part... I've been texting an old crush who shall remain nameless in this blog... I met him during summer school one year and the moment I first saw him from a distance he was average... In closer inspection he was amazing and he's the type of guy that can look good with long and short hair... He looks very charmingly handsome with his glasses... I can list so many things that I like:
*Very cute eyes
*Amazing personality
*Knee buckling smile
See and that's just a few of his amazing qualities about him... Also I'll never tell him or maybe I will but he smells so good... I always loved hugging him because that meant I got to smell him... That's rare to find in a guy cause most guys use axe, old spice, and other body spray... I don't know what he uses but it is amazing.... I miss him so much... He's one of the guys that aren't easy to forget... I'm glad I didn't forget cause he's really great to talk to... He's made me blush so many times today from his compliments today... He's a true gentleman and I wouldn't forget that... He's the one example that chivalry isn't dead.... I'm hoping when I'm visiting Cali, I can visit him...

Sunday, April 4, 2010


So my Easter was pretty chill... I watched Repo! The Genetic Opera... I also going to start a new tradition of watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Once More With Feeling" It's such a good episode... I tear up during the ending... I love all the songs and basically know them by heart... I sing along through the whole episode... I have all the songs on my i-pod but I want the album for myself... The whole cast does amazingly in this episode... It's a shame that Alyson Hannigan doesn't have more singing parts but I understand that she has stage fright... Happy Easter everyone!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

10 years!!!

Today is the the 10 anniversary of my step father's death... Every year I say it's going to get better but it doesn't... I haven't been able to let go and put him to rest in my heart... I know he wasn't my biological father but he loved... He cared more about me than my real father... He always believed in me and let me do whatever I wanted... I miss him so much and I know he's proud of me... I love him and miss him so much... I love you Daddy!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Buffy The Vampire Slayer turned 13 yesterday!!!

I'm so glad to know this little tidbit... I'm a fan of Buffy The Vampire Show... For a midseason replacement it has gone far even though after season 5 Upn picked it up instead of WB... Here's the article about it:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Repo! the Genetic Opera Review!!!

I honestly have to say this movie was the greatest movie... I love musicals very much... I have seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show movie, Phantom Of The Opera movie and stage performance, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street movie, Les Miserables Musical on dvd, Wicked stage performance, and have the Music for the Little Mermaid Musical... I will be displeased if this movie didn't become a cult classic... No offense to Joss Whedon and the Buffyverse but if the movie Buffy the Vampire slayer became a cult classic so can this movie... Sarah Michelle Gellar, James Marsters, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendan, Anthony Stewart Head and many more made Buffy the Vampire Slayer show perfect... The show is totally a cult classic... Speaking of Anthony Stewart Head ever since I heard him sing in Buffy episodes especially "Once More With Feeling" I loved his voice... Same as James Marsters... When I saw a preview of this movie on Disaster Movie and saw that he was in it I was like 'I so have to see that movie...' When I saw the character Anthony was playing Nathan Wallace/ Repo Man... I saw the loving, kind, father figure he played as Giles but then he also had another personality of being the Repo man... This role was meant for him and I can see no other person portraying this movie... It's like Giles and Ripper coexist together... Any serious Buffy fanatics such as me would love this movie... Sarah Brightman the original Christine Daae from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom Of The Opera plays Blind Mag... Her voice is amazing and incredible... I love how she portrays her character and also her outfits are just amazingly beautiful... Alexa Vega who plays Shilo Wallace the daughter Nathan Wallace was in the Spy Kids movies... I was astounded to see that she has grown up and is taking serious roles now in life... Last but not least Paris Hilton I have to say the character Amber Sweets was the perfect for... Her singing wasn't that bad either... I may not be a big fan of the Saw movies but this movie blows them out of the park... The music for it is beautifully orchestrated and the songs are just purely amazing... I did cry at some parts of the movie for it does it get sad towards the ending... I've realized that every musical has a sad moment even if it might be for a second it's there... I also love how it's all dark and gothic... It definitely is rock opera that I can listen to everyday... Ever since I got the soundtrack I listen to it fully once a day... It's just so loud and amazing... Please see it especially if you want to see Giles get the part he deserves... His voice in this movie rivals James Marsters in my book...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I did it finally... Chapter Two of Future With You is finally done... I posted it up just a little while ago... I feel good about it especially since I finally finished it... Even though its got about half the amount of words than my first chapter it's still long... I hope to get positive reviews on it... I'm proud of myself... Now I need to start chapter three... Hoping to have this one done sooner but no guarantees...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Anti-Valentine's Day!!!

It's not that I don't believe in love... I just don't believe there has to be a specific day that a someone shows their love... I mean what about the lonely people in the world... On top of witnessing couples everyday loners have to witness all the more love between couples on this specific day... Plus all the advertisements from stores and restaurants... I do want to see the movie Valentine's Day... I love romance movies... Like I said not against love but a couple should show love to each other everyday...

Friday, February 5, 2010


Well chapter two for Future With You is certainly not done... I've been occupied with the facts that a friend of mine is in the hospital... At times like these I wish I was in Cali... I miss my friends and family... I want to be there for my friend... I care for him a lot... I know he will be find but it doesn't stop me from worrying... So I get chapter two up when it gets done... I'm not going to put a for sure deadline...

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well it's celebrity doppelganger week on facebook and this is my doppelganger... If anybody is wondering who this person is it's Eliza Dushku... Some of her work involves Wrong Turn, Bring It On, Faith on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tru Calling, and recently cancelled show Dollhouse... Yes, two of the shows are Joss Whedon's work... If I still had my super super short hair I my look a like would be Ellen Page in Hard Candy... When I have long hair I look like a completely different person... I'm actually getting back in the habit of my long hair again... Plus my hair is naturally wavy like in the photo of Eliza... Next friday Future With You will have chapter two up...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Grr Arrrgh!!!

Well it seems I won't have chapter two done tomorrow for Future With You... I don't even have two thousand words yet and the first chapter has seven thousand... I'm just aggravated about it and I'm getting all grr arrgh... I've been having some good days though... My grandfather's birthday was the other day and it was so great talking to me... He always supports me and I love him... I know this isn't as long as some of my other blogs but I'm good with the length...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunset... Vampires part 2...

Every time I see this I think how beautiful Oregon truly is... I'm a valley girl from California and seeing this brightens my day in the small town I live in... Also it lets me know it's time play... I'm a nocturnal like everything else that goes bump in the night... If I had to choose an allegiace with werewolves, vampires, or demon... I would choose vampire for I'm all into sleeping the day away plus it's an upside to stay young and see the world... I truly do love the night for the moon comes out to play with stars... That's so much more beautiful than the sun but seeing the colors of the sunset or sunrise will bring awe to anyone... On the topic of vampires here are some of my favorites:
*William Pratt aka William the Bloody or Spike- Well this vampire is just screams sex appeal... He was a poet in London, England where he was sired by a crazy vampire named Drusilla... That's probably why he kept some of his humanity... He killed two slayers and ironically falls in love with a slayer... Got a soul to prove his love to Buffy... He's the second strongest vampire in the Buffyverse...
*Liam aka Angelus or Angel- He's was a vicious vampire, well actually the most dangerous vampire in the Buffyverse... Until he bit the wrong girl and was cursed with his soul... Well his grief and guiltiness for all the lives he took he became a softy... He learned that his destiny was to help the slayer who her fell in love with but can never be with... Chickened out and moved to Los Angeles to help the helpless... He's like the complete opposite of Spike basically...
*Nikola Tesla- Yes this name may sound familiar since this name is from history... In the SyFy show Sanctuary the vampire Nikola Tesla was the same Nikola Tesla the inventor... Just when he was alive he was injected with pureblood vampire blood... He's the last of his race and hell bent on world domination... Also to rebuild the once dominating Vampires back to power... Unfortunately in recent episodes he lost his vampiric powers but found out he can control metal objects...
I don't know how many Vampire rants I'm going to have here... Just bare with me and Suck it up...

Favorite Movies!!!

Well I'm big movie watcher and have some all time favorites... I'm a big Disney fan but only one will make the list... I'm not being judgemental of them it's just that they don't rank on my list except for this one...I'm doing my ten favorite movies...
*Cruel Intentions- Honestly the best movie about a cat and mouse game... I also love Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillipe, and Reese Witherspoon... It had a sad ending and I honestly think Sebastian and Kathryn were played by Annette... Annette was a good character but she wasn't right for Sebastian... His true love and who he should of ended up with was Kathryn... It was such a weird but great movie... Seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar play this character was interesting because at the time she was playing Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Also in the beginning Tara Reid did a cameo as the psychologist's daughter...
*The American Pie Trilogy- The first thee American Pies were the best... They had the best characters of Jim Levenstien, Kevin Meyers, Oz (American Pie and American Pie 2), Paul Finch, Steve Stifler, Michelle Flaherty, Vicky and Jessica (American Pie and American Pie 2), and Stifler's Mom... The ongoing gag of Finch having sex with Stifler's mom is just hilarious... I love each of the story lines for the movies because they are just comedic genius... I love how Alyson Hannigan plays Michelle who's a band geek but completely dominate in bed... It's amazing to see her play this character when she plays braniac witch Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer...
*The Nightmare Before Christmas- This movie is such a great genius idea that combines completely two different Holidays tomorrow... Plus the love story between Jack and Sally is just so cute... Plus the three naughty trick or treaters... This is one of Tim Burton's masterpieces... The one and only Disney film that's on my list...
*Titanic- Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were just the perfect love couple next to Romeo and Juliet... And yes Leo has played Romeo before in the modern made film of Romeo and Juliet... Also it shows the length of true love for when Rose died she returned to his side... That's my favorite part of the movie...
*The Hangover- OMG!!! That movie was just hilarious... I can watch that movie everyday and yet the fact that Stu pulled out his bloody tooth creeps me out... It's such a random movie yet it's like that can happen to anyone... I would of called the fiance Stacy the morning after and not wait until the wedding day... I hope the sequel can live up to it... Can't wait until Memorial Day weekend 2011...
*The Proposal- Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock play wonderfully together in this romantic comedy... She's the evil boss and he's the sweet loving guy that would do anything for his job... Even if it meant marrying her and end up falling in love with each other... It's just so sweet and how grammy fakes a heart attack to try to get them to the airport before Margaret gets on the plane... It's one of those feel good laugh out loud movies...
*Clueless- The complete spoof of Emma by Jane Austen... It takes place in Beverly Hills and is so modern on teenagers in today's society... The drugs, the drinking, and how some teachers actually do act that way... Also Paul Rudd is an amazing actor who is the college boy who falls in love with his ex step sibling who's in high school and has completely different views than him... Also Brittany Murphy Rest In Piece...
*Hard Candy- Okay first of all every pedophile should watch this movie... I mean Ellen Page plays a teenage girl and convinces this sexual predator to kill himself... This movie should be a must watch to all those pedophiles who get caught... So far every guy that I've seen watch this movie cringes... It's so awesome and I was surprised to see that Ellen Page was in it...
*P.S. I Love You- This is such a sweet movie with Hilary Swank, Gerald Butler, James Marsters, Harry Connick Jr., Kathy Bates, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan... I always have to cry when I see this movie since it's so sad but it also shows it's healthy to move on after losing a love one... Plus I love James Marsters!!! I love how Jerry set up the whole letters and trips for Holly... it was truly a charming and sweet love story...
*Pride and Prejudice- The one with Keira Knightley was very goo and also not super long by the Colin Firth version... I love the book and when I saw this version I was more in love... How she played Elizabeth Bennet was plain brilliant... Also the dancing scene at Netherfield ball between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy is so beautiful... They see that it's only them in the room when in reality it's filled with guests...
These movies weren't in any order of favorites... I don't like labeling by numbers and they change constantly but these ten are my all time favorites... So if you want to think they are my top ten that's fine with me... All of these would be top one but that's impossible...

Monday, January 25, 2010


I know for sure the Twilight vampires are wimps... As you can see my favorite vampires are right here... I mean I believe a stake to the heart will kill a vampire and they can't go in the sun or they burn up... In Twilight, the only way to kill them is rip them up then burn them... Plus they sparkle in the sun... WTF!!! That shit is so stupid... I don't like the Vampire Diaries the book sucks to my opinion... True Blood is good but it's just a little bit over the top when a vampire is staked... They basically melt down to blood and skin... Eww!!! I mean yea Angel was a wimp with the soul but he didn't learn to control the guilt... He was still a cool vamp and he was sensitive... Unlike Spike who just had humanity in him before the soul or chip... Yet, he had the bad boy image and yumminess perfect... After the soul I was worried how they had his character until he finally stepped up and took control of his guilt... He truly did love Buffy... They deserve to be seen has a couple but no everyone ignores it and goes for the Buffy and Angel train... Yes, Angel and her were so perfect but yet so wrong for each other... Buffy was still in the light when she was with Angel... But as she grew older she became more in the dark... Spike knew it but she was still sunshine compared to his darkness... The reason I think he was able to grasp his soul is because he still had some of his... Like I said before he still had humanity... He drinks and eats human food still... So Twilight can bite the dust...

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Well, I have been working on chapter two for Future With You... I've been a little worried for my cousin since he had back surgery a few days ago... Fortunately his surgery went well and he's back home from the hospital... I'm starting to work on my book once again... I'm happy that I'm writing a little everyday it makes me feel productive... It also helps feel less worry for my cousin and keeps my mind busy... I'm hoping to have chapter two done by Friday...

Friday, January 22, 2010


Well from my profile I say I'm an aspiring writer which I am... I was on my high school newspaper for two years and it was the best class of my high school life... Well next to my senior Shakespeare class which I was the top student in... I always had an active imagination and at young age I always loved writing stories... My greatest supporter was my stepfather who basically raised me... He passed away a while ago and I did stop writing for a while... It took me until high school to realize he wouldn't want me to give up my beautiful gift... My dream is to become an author... I don't care if I make it to the top I just want to be able to publish one book.. I've started working on a book which takes time... I also write fanfiction.... One of my favorite hobbies to write and also to read... Here's the link to my fanfiction page: