Thursday, February 18, 2010

Repo! the Genetic Opera Review!!!

I honestly have to say this movie was the greatest movie... I love musicals very much... I have seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show movie, Phantom Of The Opera movie and stage performance, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street movie, Les Miserables Musical on dvd, Wicked stage performance, and have the Music for the Little Mermaid Musical... I will be displeased if this movie didn't become a cult classic... No offense to Joss Whedon and the Buffyverse but if the movie Buffy the Vampire slayer became a cult classic so can this movie... Sarah Michelle Gellar, James Marsters, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendan, Anthony Stewart Head and many more made Buffy the Vampire Slayer show perfect... The show is totally a cult classic... Speaking of Anthony Stewart Head ever since I heard him sing in Buffy episodes especially "Once More With Feeling" I loved his voice... Same as James Marsters... When I saw a preview of this movie on Disaster Movie and saw that he was in it I was like 'I so have to see that movie...' When I saw the character Anthony was playing Nathan Wallace/ Repo Man... I saw the loving, kind, father figure he played as Giles but then he also had another personality of being the Repo man... This role was meant for him and I can see no other person portraying this movie... It's like Giles and Ripper coexist together... Any serious Buffy fanatics such as me would love this movie... Sarah Brightman the original Christine Daae from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom Of The Opera plays Blind Mag... Her voice is amazing and incredible... I love how she portrays her character and also her outfits are just amazingly beautiful... Alexa Vega who plays Shilo Wallace the daughter Nathan Wallace was in the Spy Kids movies... I was astounded to see that she has grown up and is taking serious roles now in life... Last but not least Paris Hilton I have to say the character Amber Sweets was the perfect for... Her singing wasn't that bad either... I may not be a big fan of the Saw movies but this movie blows them out of the park... The music for it is beautifully orchestrated and the songs are just purely amazing... I did cry at some parts of the movie for it does it get sad towards the ending... I've realized that every musical has a sad moment even if it might be for a second it's there... I also love how it's all dark and gothic... It definitely is rock opera that I can listen to everyday... Ever since I got the soundtrack I listen to it fully once a day... It's just so loud and amazing... Please see it especially if you want to see Giles get the part he deserves... His voice in this movie rivals James Marsters in my book...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I did it finally... Chapter Two of Future With You is finally done... I posted it up just a little while ago... I feel good about it especially since I finally finished it... Even though its got about half the amount of words than my first chapter it's still long... I hope to get positive reviews on it... I'm proud of myself... Now I need to start chapter three... Hoping to have this one done sooner but no guarantees...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Anti-Valentine's Day!!!

It's not that I don't believe in love... I just don't believe there has to be a specific day that a someone shows their love... I mean what about the lonely people in the world... On top of witnessing couples everyday loners have to witness all the more love between couples on this specific day... Plus all the advertisements from stores and restaurants... I do want to see the movie Valentine's Day... I love romance movies... Like I said not against love but a couple should show love to each other everyday...

Friday, February 5, 2010


Well chapter two for Future With You is certainly not done... I've been occupied with the facts that a friend of mine is in the hospital... At times like these I wish I was in Cali... I miss my friends and family... I want to be there for my friend... I care for him a lot... I know he will be find but it doesn't stop me from worrying... So I get chapter two up when it gets done... I'm not going to put a for sure deadline...